Additional Equipment

Turtlepro-Power Distribution and Step Down Kit.

You can rent this kit to help make it easier to get the power you need. This kit will plug into the outlet for your electric stove or electric dryer and will divide the 220 current into 4 100 outlets. This will take the place of needing 4 separate outlets on separate breakers for powering the heater. This unit rents for $50 a day and is a game changer.

Additional Fans

The key to cover larger and more areas is with additional fans. The additional fans help create air flow needed to get the heat where it needs to be. It also enables you to be able to treat two side by side bedrooms at the same time thus saving you money and time on the treatment. These are very powerful fans designed to work with the system and produce the most effective results. The se fans rent for $75 each the first day and $37.50 for each additional day.

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